How to use this app



This is an everyday conversation meaning “hello” in Georgian

We named the app in the hope that everyone will share Georgian food like in everyday conversation!

After answering a simple yes-no question, the app will recommend a Georgian dish for you!

Depending on the results of the diagnosis, you will be redirected to a page with recommended Georgian dishes and how to cook them

You can also share your recommendations with as many people as you like by using the share function on X

Diagnostics can be done with or without login

You can jump to each cuisine's forum after registering and logging in.

You can also login with Google Authentication

Here you can review your own creations in the various forums,

You can also upload and post images

You can also check the review ratings by looking at the details

You can like the reviews that you find helpful

You can access the liked posts and your own reviews on the header

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